Tackling the Climate change through Modernizing Environmental Engineering program (TACMEE)

In this project, the improvement of environmental studies, as well as the focus on environmental problems and solutions in Mongolia, will be aimed. 2 EU institutes (University of Szeged, Hungary - USZ and University of Oulu, Finland - UO) having a great experience with BSc, MSc, as well as PhD programs of Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering, will improve BSc program of Environmental Engineering in 3 institutes in Mongolia (National University of Mongolia – NUM, German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology – GMIT, and School of Agroecology and Business, Mongolian University of Life Sciences) as well as to form MSc level Environmental Engineering curriculum firstly at NUM.
During this project, European Partners will improve as well as bring new courses to the Mongolian curriculum in a course, a seminar as well as a laboratory level including producing new handouts, presentations, laboratory evaluations, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) as well as building and managing a proper Environmental Engineering Laboratory in all 3 Mongolian Institutes. With this project, a new MSc of environmental engineering program will be revealed, the BSC studies will be improved, Mongolian staff (teachers, technicians, etc.) will be trained, industrial involved dual program teaching will be instructed and public and young students will be involved and informed about the importance of climate change and environmental problems, the students will be programmed in an upgraded level, new connections with industries will be formed as well as EU-Mongolian connections will be strengthened in both educational and research point of view.

Programme: Erasmus+
Action type: Capacity building in higher education
Websites: link-1, link-2