
Faculty: Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Position: Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
E-Mail: oyuntsetseg@gmit.edu.mn

Since 2014
A senior lecturer at German Mongolian Institute for resources and technology (GMIT)
2006 – 2014
Research worker, a lecturer at Mathematic Computer School of Mathemartics at NUM
1991 – ​1998
Mongolian Science Academy, Mathematics Institute, as a Research worker


1. L. Oyuntsetseg, Derivation of Matrix ring, Mongolian Math Journal, 12, 74-78, (2008);
2. A. Mekei, L. Oyuntsetseg, Construction of all subalgebras of M2(F) and their derivations, Mongolian Math Journal, 12, 71-73 (2008);
3. L. Oyuntsetseg, On Skew Polynomial Rings, Mongolian Math Journal, 16, 61-65 (2012);
4. А. Мекей, Л. Оюунцэцэг, О представлениинекоторыхконечныхколецматрицами, 
Алгебра и Логика, 2014, N 4
5. L. Oyuntsetseg, Some finite rings deriving from skew polynomial rings, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, October 2015, Volume 147, Issue 1, pp 73-80
Presentations at  international math conferences
1. L. Oyuntsetseg, T. Sumiyama, On distance between finite rings, 2004, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics; 236, 431-436;
2. А. Мекей, Л. Оюунцэцэг, О представлениинекоторыхконечныхколецматрицами,
Мальцевские чтения 2013, Международная конференция;
3. L. Oyuntsetseg, The strengthened condition of principal left hereditary radicals to be principally right hereditary, International Conference of Mathematicians, Seoul, Korea, 13-21 August, 2014

Received doctor’s degree from National University of Mongolia
Finished study at Okayama University as a doctor student
Received master’s degree at  Okayama University in Japan
Graduated Mongolian State University as a Mathematician 
Graduated school N 1 in UB.