The 7th Teachers' Symposium highlighted advanced technology solutions in distance learning

German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology successfully organized the 7th Teachers' Symposium “Education and Technology” at the 1st Secondary school of Darkhan-Uul province. 

The symposium, which brought together teachers and researchers from the Central Region's secondary schools and universities specializing in technology, discussed the challenges of science and English distance learning, their solutions, and new advanced teaching methods. In particular, teachers exchanged their knowledges and experiences on how to adapt distance learning and changes of the way of teaching methods during the COVID-19 epidemic situation. 

“Education and Technology” symposium was supported by Department of Education, Culture and Arts of Darkhan-Uul province. In addition, the 1st secondary school of Darkhan-Uul province is involved as a supporter organization. Moreover, more than 100 teachers and researchers from Darkhan-Uul, Selenge, Orkhon and Bulgan provinces, as well as MUST, NUM, Orchlon, Erkhet Erdem, Hobby, Jargalan and Terelj Boarding schools participated and representatives introduced their presentations for open discussions. In addition, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English lecturers and teachers held professional discussions at their session.

During the symsposium, Prof. Dr. L.Altangerel, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs highlighted “This year, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, we are emphasizing advanced technology solutions and distance learning. Although it was a sudden difficulties for the teachers, on the other hand it was also an opportunity to face new challenges. Therefore, in this symposium, the teachers shared their experiences on how to use the opportunities. As a result of all these challenges, distance learning methodologies can be further improved”.